Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Note on Epinnula magistralis Poey, a genus and species 
new to Taiwan (Perciformes: Gempylidae)   

Hsuan-Ching Ho1* and Woei Shyan Yee2 

1 National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium; Institute of Marine Biodiversity and Evolutionary
Biology, National Dong Hwa University; Pingtung, 944, Taiwan
2 Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, University Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
*Corresponding author. E-mail: hohc@nmmba.gov.tw

A new record of snake mackerel is reported from Taiwan herein. The 
specimen possesses a well-developed pelvic fin, two lateral lines bifurcating 
at the base of fifth dorsal-fin spine, lacks keels and finlets on the caudal 
peduncle, and is identical to the western Pacific population of  Epinnula 
magistralis. A detailed description is provided to document the species into 
Taiwanese ichthyofauna. 




stupid monk said...

want to read ur journal!! 90% is ur supervisor work or u? hahaha

Salty Fish said...

i did the identification and the measurement. and i wrote the result lo. intro, distribution and remarks is written by my supervisor.
the is another paper havent publish yet, that 1 more samples and the article is longer.

Salty Fish said...

my supervisor very geng.he can write and cite the introduction without refering books or journal d.if he asked me write the intro i finish intern dunno can finish it bo~~~kakaka