Friday, August 21, 2009


Priapuloidea are cylindrical worm-like animals, with a median anterior mouth quite devoid of any armature or tentacles. The body is ringed, and often has circles of spines, which are continued into the slightly protrusible pharynx. The alimentary canal is straight, the anus terminal, though in Priapulus one or two hollow ventral diverticula of the body-wall stretch out behind it. The nervous system, composed of a ring and a ventral cord, retains its primitive connection with the ectoderm.

There are no specialized sense organs or vascular or respiratory systems (hemerythrin is the protein responsible for oxygen transportation). There is a wide body-cavity, but as this has no connection with the renal or reproductive organs it cannot be regarded as a coelom, but probably is a blood-space or hemocoel.

The Priapuloidea are hermaphroditic, and their male and female organs, which are one with the excretory organs, consist of a pair of branching tufts, each of which opens to the exterior on one side of the anus.

The tips of these tufts enclose a flame-cell similar to those found in flatworms and other animals, and these probably function as excretory organs. As the animals become adult, diverticula arise on the tubes of these organs, which develop either spermatozoa or ova. These pass out through the ducts.

Article from: wikipedia

i think you all are asking why i post this article....

there should be a reason...

actually i just want you all to guess what is the common name of this worm...

its very easy and simple...

nearly 100% of the human being is so familiar with its name...

and nearly 50% of human being have this thing...


the answer is....



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