Saturday, April 21, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
buzy -18/1/2007
buzy buzy and buzy......
this few days the internet line become more smooth liao...the life without internet quite suffer, cant suft information 4 my assignment, more than that cant chat with frens....long time din update my blog.....why leh? i think no answer other that lazy...hehehehehe
i just discover few good song leh....hope u all also will like it lo...nw i only listen this song only...haih...hav to say good bye to my old song-ai diu li ady....
the song mostly are sing by wu bai and power station lo
the song that i prefer is 挪威的森林, 有多少爱可以重来, 浪人情歌, 晚风, and 无情的情书
mmmmm 冲动 also not bad la but i dont like its mv.....
after i come terengganu many things happen if have to list out i think 1 day although in toilet read my blog then u can finish dont wan ur shit just like goat 1 o( or like ferrero roche if u eat peanuts the day b4) so mayb next time lo huhuhuhu
during the 1 month holiday i gt 3 frens merry ady...1 of them is my best fren, remember last time we study in the same primaly and secondaly school but nw she already merry liao...only can this world everyday are changing......the story is nt end...last few days a news suprise me another best fren also wan merry liao......haih...i receive many same sms from different ppl that...all tell and ask the same things...the funny thing is when i imaging she are going merry i cant stop laughing la.......hahhahahaha before that we whole geng sing karaok together, then we go seremban, the girls looking 4 liang zai n boys looking 4 leng lui...discuss which 1 is the more leng lui or leng zai. but nw i think cant ady...coz......who will bring along their baby go c leng zai leh...u wan i also dont wan la.......huhuhu
during tat 1 month holiday can say more than 50% are used to play digimon game....but still not finish it....di zai, if u delete it i will kill u......enery nite go out yam cha with frens then go play bowling, ping pong, basketball...bla bla bla.....cant remember ady..ohhh 1 things my fightingfish breed ady.....hahaha nw i gt many cucu liao.....huhuhu............the last week 4 my holiday is the most bz 1...still remember eat steak at hawaii i gt double steak leh...mmmmm...huhuhu....
buzy buzy buzy
have to go duty liao
feed the ikan keli
my 1 week holiday-2/11/2006
just finish 1 paper 3 more to go...boring. last week is my holiday,at last i can rest during this holiday after bz 4 the whole sem...i reach my home about 7am after 8 hours sit on the bus from Terengganu to seremban n 30 minutes to neck is pain like hell unlike some ppl take flight...sooo comfortable.haih...after 2 hours waiting for my sister n my father prepare themself(cant tahan them so mo) we went seremban mingkok restaurant having our breakfast...emmmmmmm .then we go PD to "eat some wind"
huhuhuhuhu.nothing special,just make my own MV there(ai diu li sim kia kia...)using my digicam...dont know why sky on my hometown many cat n dog like to pee there,make me cant go out...feel sucks...2 days i stay in house read nite my fren qian wen call me me to go out yam cha but then cancel liao cause no 1 wan to go out execpt me n yam cha only 2 ppl very strange...others all bz..from the phone i know her quite day i call her out but she said nw she at KL ady.nw i know why she so anxious to call us out. hand phone fren call me out having breakfast at rembau...i go fetch choong loo,
arrive there i c sunlerk,min, qiu qi, khee chieng ,sze ru alredy there..ei?where is kheng...hohohoho we 4gt her liao, we all thought she will b here (cause this is her family restaurant)...sorry ar kheng...same day at nite ...i suggest go minn's house "open table" at 9...i wan to go with lerk so i go his shop 1st at the door bell no1 answer then i call his phone also no1 answer,i thought he coming back from seremban so i wait him.nw is about 9.30...cats and dog still peeing...i cant wait him about 1 hour ady,when i stand wan to go back suddenly lerk call me...i ask him where r u...he said"in the shop la".....WALAO...he dint the door bell n the phone cause tat time he bathing and silence his phone...haih...wat to say...
i gt 4 frens birthday on 26 oct...hui, girl, choong qi n my fren's boyfren(4get his name liao)tat nite i celebrate at choong qi house ...the funny thing is the wish he wished is play game can defeat Di ZAI(his game opponent)hehehe...
1 day b4 i go back terengganu i work at seaview restaurant 1st i quite oory cause work at the new place but after i go there i saw the same ppl when i work at rainbow palance(nw bankrap ady) last time...fiuh...they all quite nice 1...if i dont know i think i had been scold by them ady...not many things to do,just clean up the chcken and fish,help them take the food to waiter,or clean the sirip nite a bit bz cause tat day gt 70++ tables to serve...althought i work 1 day only but i gt RM80 for tis part time work...hehehehe.the stupid thing is at the same nite we gt a the morning we fix the motor light ady but at nite when the policeman stop us and ask 4 the motor light, the light cant swith on...i say man...hit by the red boom...after tat 2 bastard policeman go away we start our motor's engine......the light turn on.........we so thanks to u la MOTOR honda c70 no.2905...i know u old ady but dont play-play with us at tis time ma...why i always kena saman at PD ...last time also like...haih...
i receive a red boom from my fren kang ru during tis holiday...normally ppl afraid to receive tis red boom but i different ...i cant wait to receive it cause this is the first time i attend to my fren wedding...hope u live a blissful life 4rever with ur guy...
mid autumn festival-10/9/2006
pulau bidong-16/9/2006
31 august until 9 sep is my sem break but i need to go pulau bidong for my field trip....stupid.
i thought at last i can relax liao but that stupid trip make everything i to do now is finish n
force me to suffer at the island that bird also dont wan to lay eggs there.
first day-we go pulau bidong with the speed boat.arrive there we stand the tent up then clean that place ,
listen the capten bla bla....heih...wat a boring day...eih....evening ady a?
sleep la...before i go into the tent i realize all ppl are look at the sea...with my sam pat instinct confirm i ll
go look around la.oh mygod....this is the 1 st time i see a wild swiming just beside the beach...walau ...about
1.5metres long night storm coming,the wave is so big til the fishes swim inside also die wat...
i wonder my frens who going candat sotong what he doing nw...maybe puking gua...kakakakak
2nd day-wake up, eat breakfast sleep,wake up,eat lunch,sleep,wake up ,having tea,sleep...heih...wat a boring day..,
then my fren wake me up....they wan to play poker with a rule:who lose he will take off 1 things from his body.
in this game i become the winner cause they all now only got underwear on their body...HAHAHA...(henry...hehe...POLO o..hahaahaha) .me?not even a bulu take off from my body:p
tonite is our turn to go candat sotong...this is the activity i frighten most...cause i afraid i ll puke. i ask my fren to give me medicine to prevent sea sick.
after few on hour on that boat luckly nothing bad things happen...fiuh still can joke on tat fren got a big squids (sepioteuthis lessoniana) in this nothing but a very fun experince
3rd day-today morning we all geng ran down to the sea.the water is so clear and can see bottom about 10 metres from the surface.
we are swim above the coral reef and in group of operation is bottom trawls seine.this is also a quite interesting activity.
huhuhu...tonight we barbecue with the fish we caugth today.
4th day-driftnet is our activity this operation we caught 1 fish only after wait 1 hour but during the time we wait the fish going to trap itself by the net we fishing on the boat and the result are not bad la
tonight every group have perform a sketch.altought we lose but inthe time of preparing we are enjoy it...hehehe
futsal tragedy-23/8/2006
from the days i go out from my mom body untill now i never play futsal before......hoho...2days ago three datdatdei housemate ask me to go futsal.actually i not really interest in playing a ball kick by human but in the end i decide follow them.we rent the field for 1 hour expensive ma, i dont know why they spend money to kick a chew....isnt urself gt two balls to kick by.
first round my team win with mmmmmmmmm mayb 5 - 0 gua....not really remember.i score 2 balls 4 1st time playing,hehe.then the second round start ....when i stopped a boy with the ball.he know he cant pass n go through from me,he use all his full strenght to kick the ball hope that his teamate catch the ball.with the speed of bullet the stupid ball smash on the most important part on my body.................walau......hehe...boys....are u want to try it? its fun ma...hahaha
at this moment wan can i do.......lying on the floor la.heiya,my friend not allow me to that cause they say at this time u have jump with o ur energy....aiya this time where got energy to stand out o...nevmind lo, i use my shaking leg to stand up n follow their comands....huh....nothing change ....still that pain ma.......after about 5 minutes i fell more better...
from tis incident i know that playing futsal not ony waste time,waste money,oso can kill me.
My LUCKY day
Last 3 week i go kuala terengganu(KT) to register 4 streamxy internet line. 1st time i go there the central close liao,2nd time i go didnt open 3rd time i go finally can.i cut the senior's internet line n register mine 1.three days later i activate the line bt still cant online.after few time calling n complain the central at last yesterday they come to fix the line.
Now i got the pc n the internet line,PERFECT.......................................if i said tat i m cheating myself
Yesterday night i sending my sis n father to Tanjung bustop...after waiting n waiting a guy ask us what r we doing here,we said waiting 4 bus la,he said u wait bus until 4 yaers oso no bus come here cause the bus now o going to MPKT(another bustop).we looked at the time we still got 10minutes to go there.we rush to MPKT n i go stop the bus while my sis park the car. i tell the bus driver to wait my sis 4 few minutes then i go find my sis,after i turn my body n go not enough10 steps the stupid bus driver start the bus n go away.i wan to stop the bus but the damn bus is too fast.we chase the bus with local people's help.....
if u think we success to stop the bustard bus u r wrong.we chase until Marang(how far between marang n kt u see the map la) using the speed faster than ae86 still cant see the smoke of the bus.the driver said if we chase until dungun mayb we can got it but at tis time i look at roadboard outside writting "DUNGUN - 57KM" haha i said no thanks please turn back to kt.(that person charged us RM30 for chasing the bus).Ok lo....i told my sis to take the plane 2morow morning lo.
Today morning.i go rent the car but the shop dint open yet,nevmind, i send my sis n father to airport 1 by 1,haha....guess wat...ticket sold out ady.nevmind again,i woke up my fren who got class at 10am to take my sis to bustop at kt n i take my father.haha....ticket to seremban,kl,shah alam o sold out.then wat leh?my father suggest they go to kuantan 1st n then change bus to bahau n my sister' boyfren come to take them back home.....i finally send them go away...FIUH...going back i saw my 2 frens prepare to go classes are waiting outside 4 their helmet cause i didnt ask them when i took the helmet.......malu la
that's all my LUCKLY day.